
Fraser South Awards

Two types of awards are presented to Fraser South Rhododendron Society (FSRS) members:

Fraser South Memorial Awards
These awards are presented annually to deserving members of the FSRS Chapter. The following Memorial Awards are awarded at the January meeting:

  • The Ella J. Crabb Memorial Award
  • The Gerry C. Emerson Memorial Award
  • The Harold Johnson  Memorial Award

A list of Memorial Awards recipients from 1997 to the present is available at Fraser South Memorial Awards.

American Rhododendron Society (ARS) Bronze Medal.
The ARS Bronze medal was created by the ARS to recognize members who make outstanding contributions to a chapter. It is the highest award the FSRS can bestow on one of its members.

A list of Fraser South ARS Bronze Medal recipients from 1993 to the present is available at Bronze Medals Awards.



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